Surname Obućina in modern Croatia
Obućina families are almost entirely Croats and they are mostly from Gospic area , rarely Serbs. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Gospic area and in Zagreb. In places Bukovac Perušićki and Kvarte in Gospic area every twentieth inhabitant had the family name Obućina.
About 150 people with faimily name Obućina live in Croatia today, in 60 households. There were 160 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased by 0 percent.
They are located in the most of Croatian counties, in 16 cities and 13 other places, mostly in Zagreb (35), Sisak (15), Perusic in Gospic area (15), Bucje (10), and in Kuljani in Hrvatska Kostajnica area (10).
Outside Croatia
At least five families with this surname emigrated from Croatia to: Germany (3), the United Kingdom (1), and to the United States (1).
Family name Obućina (including: Obucina , Obuchina ) is present in 12 countries on four continents. The family name "Obucina " is used by small number of people in the United States and small number in Switzerland. "Obuchina " is used by few people in Russian Federation and few people in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Željko Obućina,
Ankica Obućina,
Martin Obućina,
Ivan Obućina,
Josipa Obućina,
Zoran Obućina,
Stjepan Obućina,
Borka Obućina,
Miroslava Obućina,
Mile Obućina,
Katica Obućina,
Katarina Obućina,
Marko Obućina,
Kata Obućina,
Dragiša Obućina,
Stipe Obućina,
Dario Obućina,
Tanja Obućina,
Franjo Obućina