Surname Mišljenčević in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Mišljenčević families are predominantly Serbs, rarely Croats (from Split ), and very rarely Bosniaks. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Duga Resa area and in Split.
About 20 people with faimily name Mišljenčević live in Croatia today, in 8 households. There were 0 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number multiplied.
They are located in four Croatian counties and another small place , mostly in Split (<10), Zagreb (<10), Karlovac (<10), Osijek (<5), and in Zinajevac in Duga Resa area (<5).
Outside Croatia
At least three families with this surname emigrated from Croatia to: the United States (1), Belgium (1), and to the United Kingdom (1).
Family name Mišljenčević is present in five countries on two continents.
Characteristic first names
Mili Mišljenčević,
Jasna Mišljenčević,
Duško Mišljenčević,
Marina Mišljenčević,
Stanka Mišljenčević,
Duje Mišljenčević,
Nada Mišljenčević,
Danijel Mišljenčević,
Nikolina Mišljenčević,
Slavica Mišljenčević,
Rade Mišljenčević,
Pavle Mišljenčević,
Stana Mišljenčević,
Zorka Mišljenčević,
Đuka Mišljenčević,
Đuro Mišljenčević,
Milica Mišljenčević,
Branislav Mišljenčević,
Katarina Mišljenčević