Surname Mačefat in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Mačefat families are Croats (from Klanjec area ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Zagreb and in Klanjec area.
About 10 people with faimily name Mačefat live in Croatia today, in 6 households. There were 40 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased significantly.
They are located in threee Croatian counties, threee cities and threee other places, mostly in Zagreb (<5), Poljana Sutlanska in Klanjec area (<5), Banjol on the Island of Rab (<5), Rijeka (<5), and in Veliko Polje (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Mačefat is present in this form only in Croatia.
Characteristic first names
Dubravko Mačefat,
Boris Mačefat,
Branimir Mačefat,
Ivanka Mačefat,
Željko Mačefat,
Franciska Mačefat,
Ljubomir Mačefat,
Stanko Mačefat,
Marija Mačefat,
Biserka Mačefat,
Ramona Mačefat,
Valentina Mačefat,
Maja Mačefat,
Marko Mačefat,
Zora Mačefat,
Dragutin Mačefat,
Antonija Mačefat,
Ivan Mačefat,
Brigite Mačefat