Surname Lemić in modern Croatia
Lemić families are predominantly Croats and they are mostly from Karlovac , less frequently Serbs. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Zagreb and Karlovac.
About 130 people with faimily name Lemić live in Croatia today, in 60 households. There were 240 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number halved.
They are located in the most of Croatian counties, in 14 cities and 14 other places, mostly in Karlovac (40), Zagreb (40), Zadar (20), Sulinec (<10), and in Lovran in Opatija area (<10).
Outside Croatia
Family name Lemić (including: Lemic , Lemich , Lemiech , Lemick , Lemmich , Lemiec and Lemiecha ) is present in 19 countries worldwide. "Lemich " is used by some 100 people in the United States and about 60 in Ukraine. "Lemiec " is used by small number of people in the United States. "Lemick " is used by some 80 people in the United States and small number in Canada.
Characteristic first names
Zdravko Lemić,
Vesna Lemić,
Boris Lemić,
Tomislav Lemić,
Josip Lemić,
Anka Lemić,
Nikola Lemić,
Irena Lemić,
Vlatka Lemić,
Danijela Lemić,
Neven Lemić,
Goran Lemić,
Veronika Lemić,
Dražen Lemić,
Venko Lemić,
Jasminka Lemić,
Nemanja Lemić,
Nataša Lemić,
Dragan Lemić