Surname Kendjel in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Kendjel families are Croats (from Koprivnica area ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Koprivnica area and in Garesnica. In Martinić in Ludbreg area every fourtieth inhabitant had the family name Kendjel.
About 20 people with faimily name Kendjel live in Croatia today, in 13 households. There were 10 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number doubled.
They are located in 7 Croatian counties, in 6 cities and 6 other places, mostly in Zagreb (<10), Lunjkovec in Ludbreg area (<5), Karlovac (<5), Koprivnica (<5), and in Peteranec in Koprivnica area (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Kendjel is present in four countries on three continents.
Characteristic first names
Stjepan Kendjel,
Vjeran Kendjel,
Ana Kendjel,
Josip Kendjel,
Damir Kendjel,
Marija Kendjel,
Štefica Kendjel,
Milan Kendjel,
Ivan Kendjel,
Tomislav Kendjel,
Kata Kendjel,
Vjekoslav Kendjel,
Bruno Kendjel,
Tereza Kendjel,
Tomo Kendjel,
Andria Kendjel,
Gjuro Kendjel,
Jelena Kendjel,
Jelica Kendjel