Surname Jelekovac in modern Croatia
Jelekovac families are Croats and they are mostly from Glina area. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Glina area and in Glina.
About 90 people with faimily name Jelekovac live in Croatia today, in 30 households. There were 100 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased by 20 percent.
They are located in threee Croatian counties and 15 other places, mostly in Strezojevo in Glina area (35), Velika Gorica (10), Petrinja (<10), Gornji Vidusevac (<10), and in Odra Sisacka (<10).
Outside Croatia
Family name Jelekovac is present in this form only in Croatia.
Characteristic first names
Branko Jelekovac,
Ivan Jelekovac,
Nikola Jelekovac,
Radojka Jelekovac,
Zlatko Jelekovac,
Josip Jelekovac,
Borislav Jelekovac,
Mario Jelekovac,
Stjepan Jelekovac,
Danijel Jelekovac,
Željka Jelekovac,
Nikolina Jelekovac,
Franjo Jelekovac,
Luka Jelekovac,
Drago Jelekovac,
Milan Jelekovac,
Jelica Jelekovac,
Andrija Jelekovac,
Nada Jelekovac