Surname Ilakovac in modern Croatia
Ilakovac families are Croats and they are mostly from Djakovo area. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Djakovo area and in Osijek.
About 170 people with faimily name Ilakovac live in Croatia today, in 70 households. There were 160 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number increased by 0 percent.
They are located in 8 Croatian counties, in 8 cities and 9 other places, mostly in Velika Kopanica in Djakovo area (60), Slavonski Brod (25), Osijek (20), Zagreb (15), and in Djakovo (15).
Outside Croatia
Family name Ilakovac is present in five countries on three continents.
Characteristic first names
Vesna Ilakovac,
Boris Ilakovac,
Branka Ilakovac,
Tin Ilakovac,
Ksenofont Ilakovac,
Živko Ilakovac,
Mirjana Ilakovac,
Amon Ilakovac,
Andrea Ilakovac,
Dean Ilakovac,
Davor Ilakovac,
Iva Ilakovac,
Andrija Ilakovac,
Mirela Ilakovac,
Predrag Ilakovac,
Gabrijel Ilakovac,
Ružica Ilakovac,
Blagica Ilakovac,
Damir Ilakovac