Surname Grandverger in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Grandverger families are generally Croats (from Cazma area ), very rarely Slovenes, and . In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Bjelovar and in Cazma area. In Staro Štefanje in Cazma area every twentieth inhabitant had the family name Grandverger.
About 30 people with faimily name Grandverger live in Croatia today, in 11 households. There were 10 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number tripled.
They are located in threee Croatian counties, threee cities and 5 other places, mostly in Bjelovar (<10), in Stefanje (<10) and Blatnica (<10) in Cazma area, Zagreb (<5), and in Staro Stefanje in Cazma area (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Grandverger is present in this form only in Croatia.
Characteristic first names
Blaženka Grandverger,
Mirko Grandverger,
Sabine Grandverger,
Zdravko Grandverger,
Anita Grandverger,
Boris Grandverger,
Robert Grandverger,
Dušanka Grandverger,
Vesna Grandverger,
Mihaela Grandverger,
Ljubica Grandverger,
Ivan Grandverger,
Milka Grandverger,
Valentin Grandverger,
Mare Grandverger,
Josip Grandverger,
Dragica Grandverger,
Rozalija Grandverger,
Nedeljko Grandverger