Surname Gočev in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Gočev families are Croats by relative majority (from Zagreb ), equally Macedonians.
Only a few people with faimily name Gočev live in Croatia today, in two households only.
They are located in two Croatian cities only, in Samoborski Otok (<5) and Zagreb (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Gočev (including: Gocev , Gochev , Gochiaev , Gochiev , Gochaev , Gochuev , Gocheev , Gochyev and Gotschev ) is present in 27 countries worldwide.
Characteristic first names
Ingeborg Gočev,
Saša Gočev,
Patrik Gočev,
Patricia Gočev,
Magdalena Gočev,
Ivanka Gočev