Surname Ergarac in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Ergarac families are predominantly Serbs, rarely Croats (from Varazdin ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Varazdin and in Slunj area.
About 30 people with faimily name Ergarac live in Croatia today, in 10 households. There were 20 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number increased by 70 percent.
They are located in 6 Croatian counties, four cities and threee other places, mostly in Varazdin (<10), Zagreb (<10), Knezevi Vinogradi in Beli Manastir area (<10), Petrinja (<5), and in Donja Rasenica (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Ergarac is present in five countries on three continents.
Characteristic first names
Darko Ergarac,
Milka Ergarac,
Ankica Ergarac,
Ognjen Ergarac,
Veljko Ergarac,
Milan Ergarac,
Njegovan Ergarac,
Radovan Ergarac,
Mile Ergarac,
Zvonimir Ergarac,
Zorana Ergarac,
Dragan Ergarac,
Nikolina Ergarac,
Gojko Ergarac,
Đuro Ergarac,
Danica Ergarac,
Marija Ergarac,
Ranka Ergarac,
Persa Ergarac