Surname Durmanić in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Durmanić families are generally Croats (from Vodice ), very rarely Serbs. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Sibenik and Vodice.
About 20 people with faimily name Durmanić live in Croatia today, in 7 households. There were 30 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased by 30 percent.
They are located in only two naselja i to in Tribunj (25) and Kepcije in Hrvatska Kostajnica area (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Durmanić is present in three countries on two continents.
Characteristic first names
Vinka Durmanić,
Dušan Durmanić,
Ante Durmanić,
Gojmir Durmanić,
Grozdana Durmanić,
Ivan Durmanić,
Astrida Durmanić,
Zdenka Durmanić,
Nataša Durmanić,
Ana Durmanić,
Antica Durmanić,
Joso Durmanić,
Danica Durmanić,
Borislav Durmanić,
Vesela Durmanić,
Momčilo Durmanić,
Mara Durmanić,
Joško Durmanić,
Željko Durmanić