Surname Crnjac in modern Croatia
Crnjac families are Croats and they are mostly from Herzegovina , according to some sources from villages Donja Britvica or Tribosic, or from the large area of Trebinje. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Herzegovina (Siroki Brijeg area) and in Split. In places Donja Britvica and Izbično in Herzegovina every third inhabitant had the family name Crnjac.
About 550 people with faimily name Crnjac live in Croatia today, in 220 households. There were 60 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number multiplied.
They are located in almost all Croatian counties, in 42 cities and 44 other places, mostly in Zagreb (180), Split (65), Pozega (40), Vukovar (35), and in Slavonski Brod (35).
Outside Croatia
Family name Crnjac is present in 16 countries worldwide. The family name "Crnjac " is used by small number of people in Germany , small number in the United States , and small number of people in Australia.
Characteristic first names
Josip Crnjac,
Miljenko Crnjac,
Božo Crnjac,
Ivan Crnjac,
Marija Crnjac,
Ružica Crnjac,
Miroslav Crnjac,
Diana Crnjac,
Jadranka Crnjac,
Gordan Crnjac,
Marinko Crnjac,
Tomislav Crnjac,
Ksenija Crnjac,
Neda Crnjac,
Andreja Crnjac,
Goran Crnjac,
Slavica Crnjac,
Damir Crnjac,
Kornelia Crnjac