Surname Brući in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Brući families are Croats (from Novi Marof area ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Zagreb and in Novi Marof area. In Bisag in Novi Marof area every seventh inhabitant had the family name Brući.
About 10 people with faimily name Brući live in Croatia today, in 7 households. There were 0 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number multiplied.
They are located in only four Croatian places: in Bisag in Novi Marof area (10), Zagreb (<10), and in Podvorec (<5) and Tkalec (<5) in Novi Marof area.
Outside Croatia
Family name Brući (including: Bruci , Bruzzi , Bruchi , Brucki , Brucy , Brucci , Brutschi , Brucchi , Brucie and Bruchie ) is present in 36 countries worldwide. The family name "Bruci " is used by some 500 people in Albania , about 500 in Italy , and some 70 people in the United States. "Bruchi " is used by some 300 people in Italy , small number in Argentina , and small number of people in the United States. "Brucki " is used by some 400 people in Poland , about 200 in the United States , and some 80 people in Brazil.
Characteristic first names
Mario Brući,
Željko Brući,
Dino Brući,
Kristina Brući,
Tomislav Brući,
Mladen Brući,
Renata Brući,
Marica Brući,
Nikolina Brući,
Darinka Brući,
Anka Brući,
Marija Brući,
Božidar Brući,
Ljubica Brući,
Ivan Brući,
Karla Brući,
Dorian Brući,
Dominik Brući,
Rozalija Brući