Surname Beniš in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Beniš families are generally Croats (from Daruvar area ), very rarely Czechs (from Daruvar ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Daruvar area and in Pakrac.
About 20 people with faimily name Beniš live in Croatia today, in 7 households. There were 10 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number doubled.
They are located in only four naselja i to in Daruvar (<10), Borova Kosa in Daruvar area (<10), Zagreb (<5), and in Donji Daruvar (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Beniš (including: Benis , Bennis , Benish , Benissa , Benisch , Beniss , Benisse , Benisz , Benishu and Benies ) is present in 81 countries worldwide. The family name "Benis " is used by some 4000 people in Morocco , about 500 in the United States , and some 400 people in France. "Benish " is used by some 5000 people in Pakistan , about 2000 in the United States , and some 200 people in Israel. "Benisch " is used by some 400 people in the United States , about 300 in Germany , and some 100 people in Austria.
Characteristic first names
Robertino Beniš,
Franjo Beniš,
Štefica Beniš,
Blankica Beniš,
Antun Beniš,
Boris Beniš,
Ivica Beniš,
Ivanka Beniš,
Dario Beniš,
Ivan Beniš,
Kata Beniš,
Rudolf Beniš,
Katarina Beniš,
Stjepan Beniš,
Josip Beniš,
Emilija Beniš,
Aleksandar Beniš,
Renata Beniš,
Alen Beniš