Surname Baldini in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Baldini families are Croats by relative majority (from Porec ), equally Italians (also from Porec ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Porec.
Only a few people with faimily name Baldini live in Croatia today, in two households only. There were 10 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number remains constant.
They are only located in in one Croatian city and another small place , mostly in Vizinada in Buje area (<10) and Porec (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Baldini is present in 52 countries worldwide.
Characteristic first names
Marino Baldini,
Mario Baldini,
Eđidija Baldini,
Juraj Baldini,
Domenico Baldini,
Lucio Baldini,
Lidia Baldini,
Veronika Baldini,
Maria Baldini,
Valentina Baldini,
Virgilio Baldini,
Antonio Baldini,
Franka Baldini,
Giovanni Baldini,
Ivan Baldini,
Ivanka Baldini,
Josipa Baldini,
Lidie Baldini,
Lidija Baldini