Surname Bajilo in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Bajilo families are predominantly Croats (from Zapresic ), rarely Serbs. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Zagreb and Sinj.
About 10 people with faimily name Bajilo live in Croatia today, in 6 households. There were 20 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number halved.
They are located in four Croatian counties, four cities and two other places, mostly in Zagreb (<5), Tijarica in Sinj area (<5), Zapresic (<5), Jasenovica (<5), and in Luka in Oroslavje area (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Bajilo is present in two countries.
Characteristic first names
Dragutin Bajilo,
Saša Bajilo,
Zlata Bajilo,
Mila Bajilo,
Mira Bajilo,
Zinajda Bajilo,
Alen Bajilo,
Dubravka Bajilo,
Aleksandar Bajilo,
Dušan Bajilo,
Marko Bajilo,
Stevo Bajilo,
Mara Bajilo,
Ankica Bajilo,
Django Bajilo,
Franko Bajilo,
Šimun Bajilo,
Antonija Bajilo,
Milan Bajilo