Surname Bašćevan in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Bašćevan families are generally Croats (from Sinj ), very rarely Serbs. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Split and Pakrac.
About 20 people with faimily name Bašćevan live in Croatia today, in 8 households. There were 10 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number doubled.
They are only located in four Croatian cities and two other places, mostly in Brnaze (10), Split (10), Zagreb (<5), Zadar (<5), and in Marcelji in Rijeka area (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Bašćevan (including: Bascevan , Baschevan and Bashchevan ) is present in 6 countries on two continents.
Characteristic first names
Saša Bašćevan,
Marijo Bašćevan,
Ante Bašćevan,
Anđelka Bašćevan,
Željka Bašćevan,
Antonijo Bašćevan,
Matko Bašćevan,
Jure Bašćevan,
Frano Bašćevan,
Joško Bašćevan,
Sanda Bašćevan,
Tanja Bašćevan,
Milka Bašćevan,
Milica Bašćevan,
Pela Bašćevan,
Ivana Bašćevan,
Ivanka Bašćevan,
Ivan Bašćevan,
Danica Bašćevan