Surname Švalj in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Švalj families are generally Croats (from Jastrebarsko area ), rarely Slovenes (from Velika Gorica ).
About 10 people with faimily name Švalj live in Croatia today, in four households only.
They are located in only four naselja i to in Kucer in Jastrebarsko area (<10), Zagreb (<5), Gradici (<5), and in Gornji Muc in Sinj area (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Švalj (including: Svalj , Swali , Shivali , Svali , Shovali , Swaly , Svalih , Shvalli , Svalli and Swalli ) is present in 30 countries worldwide. The family name "Svalj " is used by few people in the United States. "Swali " is used by some 300 people in Tanzania , about 300 in Zambia , and some 60 people in the United States. "Shovali " is used by small number of people in Israel and small number in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Mario Švalj,
Tatjana Švalj,
Nikola Švalj,
Anđa Švalj,
Ivan Švalj,
Martin Švalj,
Dominik Švalj,
Andrea Švalj,
Helena Švalj,
Antonija Švalj,
Marko Švalj,
David Švalj,
Martina Švalj