Surname Šperanca in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Šperanca families are predominantly Italians (from Pakrac ), rarely Croats (also from Pakrac ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Pakrac.
About 10 people with faimily name Šperanca live in Croatia today, in four households only. There were 30 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased significantly.
They are located in two Croatian cities only, in Donja Obrijez (<10) and Split (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Šperanca (including: Speranza , Speranca ) is present in 46 countries worldwide. "Speranza " is used by some 20000 people in Italy , about 8000 in Argentina , and some 4000 people in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Marino Šperanca,
Anđelko Šperanca,
Ana Šperanca,
Josip Šperanca,
Franjo Šperanca,
Vinko Šperanca,
Marija Šperanca,
Marijan Šperanca,
Manuela Šperanca,
Tamara Šperanca,
Bruno Šperanca,
Albina Šperanca,
Justina Šperanca,
Kristijan Šperanca,
Marica Šperanca,
Mira Šperanca,
Natalija Šperanca,
Pero Šperanca,
Petar Šperanca