Surname Škalamera in modern Croatia
Škalamera families are Croats and they are mostly from Opatija area. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Rijeka and in Opatija area. In Mošćenička Draga in Opatija area every eighth inhabitant had the family name Škalamera.
About 100 people with faimily name Škalamera live in Croatia today, in 50 households. There were 90 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number increased by 10 percent.
They are located and 13 other Croatian places, mostly in Rijeka (35), in Lovran (20), Moscenicka Draga (15) and Moscenice (<10) in Opatija area, and in Kosi in Rijeka area (<10).
Outside Croatia
At least six families with this surname emigrated from Croatia to: the United States (3), Canada (1), Switzerland (1), and to Australia (1).
Family name Škalamera (including: Skalamera , Scalamera ) is present in 8 countries on four continents. The family name "Skalamera " is used by some 100 people in the United States , small number in Taiwan , and small number of people in Italy. "Scalamera " is used by some 60 people in Italy and small number in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Matko Škalamera,
Mario Škalamera,
Tomislav Škalamera,
Slobodan Škalamera,
David Škalamera,
Guido Škalamera,
Marinko Škalamera,
Leonardo Škalamera,
Mariana Škalamera,
Sandra Škalamera,
Nerina Škalamera,
Katarina Škalamera,
Ivana Škalamera,
Doris Škalamera,
Vlatko Škalamera,
Boris Škalamera,
Nada Škalamera,
Branko Škalamera,
Bruno Škalamera