Surname Čapo in modern Croatia
Čapo families are often Croats and they are mostly from Bjelovar area , less frequently Hungarians (from Beli Manastir area ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Beli Manastir area and in Bjelovar.
About 180 people with faimily name Čapo live in Croatia today, in 80 households. There were 250 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased by 30 percent.
They are located in the most of Croatian counties, in 17 cities and 27 other places, mostly in Staro Petrovo Polje in Slatina area (20), Zagreb (15), Osijek (15), Fericanci in Orahovica area (15), and in Bjelovar (10).
Outside Croatia
Family name Čapo (including: Capo , Chapo , Csapo , Cappo , Chappo , Chiappo , Chirapo , Chiapo , Chapoo and Chrapo ) is present in 97 countries worldwide. "Chapo " is used by some 2000 people in Mozambique , about 300 in the United States , and some 200 people in Zimbabwe. "Cappo " is used by some 700 people in the United States , about 300 in Paraguay , and some 200 people in Tunisia. "Chappo " is used by some 200 people in the United States , small number in Algeria , and small number of people in Australia.
Characteristic first names
Ivica Čapo,
Dino Čapo,
Jasenka Čapo,
Mirjana Čapo,
Ištvan Čapo,
Miško Čapo,
Šaneta Čapo,
Josip Čapo,
Andrija Čapo,
Iva Čapo,
Mijo Čapo,
Dražen Čapo,
Ankica Čapo,
Miroslav Čapo,
Dean Čapo,
Aleksandar Čapo,
Nandor Čapo,
Petar Čapo,
Dragoljub Čapo