10 mentions are found for request

Violeta Spremo

Source: 'Emigration Commission Zagreb , year 1927.

Violeta Poljak

Source: 'Emigration Commission Zagreb , year 1930.

Violeta Drezga

Source: 'Phone Directory of the Independent State of Croatia 1942 , year 1942.

Violeta Drezga

Source: 'Phone Directory of the Independent State of Croatia 1942 , year 1942.

Violeta Gajić

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Violeta Đukanović-Drinković

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Violeta Bukvić

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Violeta Šugar

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Violeta Vičević-Srdoc

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Violeta Vidaček-Hainš

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.