100+ mentions are found for request

different sources from the year —1693 (5) 1902 (15) 1906 (16) 1917 (32) 1923 (8) 1924—1926 (9) 1927 (5) 1928 (6) 1929 (9) 1930—1931 (7) 1932 (5) 1933—1935 (10) 1936—1937 (4) 1938 (13) 1942 (17) 2007 (10)

Sophia Koczian

Source: 'Catholic Church Parish Records , year 1679.

Sophia Zebich

Source: 'Catholic Church Parish Records , year 1683.

Sophia Kadaich

Source: 'Catholic Church Parish Records , year 1683.

Sophia Cziglar

Source: 'Catholic Church Parish Records , year 1693.

Sophia Gursanich

Source: 'Catholic Church Parish Records , year 1693.

Sofija Mandić

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.

Sofija Vukomanović

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.

Sofija Vukosavljević

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.

Sofija Weiss

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.

Sofija Borštnik

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.