15 mentions are found for request

different sources from the year —1902 (6) 2007 (9)


Source: '18th Century Census , year 1769.

Josip Prevendar

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.

Josip Prevendar

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.

Hatan Prevendar

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.

Mirko Prevendar

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.

Marija Prevendar

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.

Damir Prevendar

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Andreja Prevendar Crnić

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Boris Prevendar

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Josip Prevendar

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.