97 mentions are found for request

different sources from the year —1749 (1) 1902 (13) 1906 (3) 1917 (14) 1923—1935 (9) 1938 (4) 1942 (13) 1943 (2) 2007 (38)


Source: '18th Century Census , year 1749.

Dragojla Matić

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.

Vjekoslav Matić

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.

Dragutin Matica

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.

Slavoljub Matica

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.

Ivan Matica

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.

Eugen Matić

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.

Petar Matica

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.

Barbara Matica

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.

Slava Matić

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.