100+ mentions are found for request

different sources from the year —1902 (5) 1906 (10) 1917 (18) 1923 (7) 1924—1925 (6) 1926 (7) 1927 (7) 1928 (5) 1929 (11) 1930—1932 (9) 1933 (7) 1935 (10) 1936—1937 (6) 1938 (11) 1942 (11) 2007 (75)

Jelena Naglić

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.

Jelena Perić

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.

Jelena Jovanović

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.

Jelena Popović

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.

Jelena Boroević

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.

Jelena Pajur

Source: 'Yearbook and Directory of Literary Society of St. Jerome 1906 , year 1906.

Jelena Petrova Pojer

Source: 'Yearbook and Directory of Literary Society of St. Jerome 1906 , year 1906.

Jelena Sučić

Source: 'Yearbook and Directory of Literary Society of St. Jerome 1906 , year 1906.

Jelena Tomac

Source: 'Yearbook and Directory of Literary Society of St. Jerome 1906 , year 1906.

Ignacijeva Jelena Pezelj

Source: 'Yearbook and Directory of Literary Society of St. Jerome 1906 , year 1906.