17 mentions are found for request

different sources from the year —1942 (10) 2007 (7)

Gioanni Vicarovich

Source: 'Catholic Church Parish Records , year 1729.

Giovanni Maracich

Source: 'Emigration Commission Zagreb , year 1927.

Giovanni Giurina

Source: 'Emigration Commission Zagreb , year 1928.

Giovanni Rimbaldo

Source: 'Emigration Commission Zagreb , year 1928.

Giovanni Sintich

Source: 'Emigration Commission Zagreb , year 1929.

Giovanni Abrams E.

Source: 'Emigration Commission Zagreb , year 1929.

Giovanni Karabaich

Source: 'Emigration Commission Zagreb , year 1929.

Giovanni Sintich

Source: 'Emigration Commission Zagreb , year 1933.

Giovanni Rubini

Source: 'Phone Directory of the Independent State of Croatia 1942 , year 1942.

Giovanni Rubini

Source: 'Phone Directory of the Independent State of Croatia 1942 , year 1942.