100+ mentions are found for request

different sources from the year —1825 (7) 1902 (13) 1906 (14) 1917 (20) 1923—1929 (8) 1930—1938 (10) 1942—1943 (10) 1946 (1) 2007 (29)

Bartol Bovhin

Source: 'Catholic Church Parish Records , year 1571.

Bartol Karsul

Source: 'Catholic Church Parish Records , year 1678.

Bartul Xuvich

Source: 'Catholic Church Parish Records , year 1691.

Bartolomeus Miagleuich

Source: 'Catholic Church Parish Records , year 1705.


Source: '18th Century Census , year 1750.


Source: '18th Century Census , year 1750.

Bartul Elezovich

Source: 'Catholic Church Parish Records , year 1825.

Bartol Cerer

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.

Bartol Brajdik

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.

Mirko Bartol

Source: 'Hartmann's General List of Apartments in Zagreb , year 1902.