82 mentions are found for request

different sources from the year —1842 (7) 1906 (9) 1917—1924 (10) 1925—1928 (10) 1929—1931 (10) 1932—1933 (5) 1935 (7) 1938—1942 (7) 2007 (17)

Antica Bianchi

Source: 'Catholic Church Parish Records , year 1825.

Antica Vukelich

Source: 'Catholic Church Parish Records , year 1825.

Antica Novaković

Source: 'Catholic Church Parish Records 1842 , year 1842.

Antica Stipićevich

Source: 'Catholic Church Parish Records 1842 , year 1842.

Antica Gargurinovich

Source: 'Catholic Church Parish Records 1842 , year 1842.

Antica Marčetić

Source: 'Catholic Church Parish Records 1842 , year 1842.

Antica Stipičević

Source: 'Catholic Church Parish Records 1842 , year 1842.

Antica Lue

Source: 'Yearbook and Directory of Literary Society of St. Jerome 1906 , year 1906.

Ant Antić

Source: 'Yearbook and Directory of Literary Society of St. Jerome 1906 , year 1906.

Ante Antić

Source: 'Yearbook and Directory of Literary Society of St. Jerome 1906 , year 1906.