82 mentions are found for request

different sources from the year —1936 (1) 2007 (81)

Bertha Allen

Source: 'Emigration Commission Zagreb , year 1936.

Alen Varenina

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Alen Voloder

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Alen Vitasović

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Alen Vuksan-Ćusa

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Alen Zelenika

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Alen Alebić

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Alen Bandov

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Alen Ahmetović

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Alen Bakarčić

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.