100+ mentions are found for request

different sources from the year —1769 (1) 1917 (18) 1923—1926 (10) 1927—1929 (10) 1930—1935 (9) 1936—1937 (6) 1938 (46) 1942 (46) 1943 (1) 2007 (125)

Alexander Ivancics

Source: 'Catholic Church Parish Records , year 1769.

Aleksandar Zivanović

Source: 'List of Dignitaries, Officials and Public Servants of the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia , year 1917.

Aleksandar Cindrić

Source: 'List of Dignitaries, Officials and Public Servants of the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia , year 1917.

Aleksandar Čupović

Source: 'List of Dignitaries, Officials and Public Servants of the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia , year 1917.

Aleksandar Bogdanović

Source: 'List of Dignitaries, Officials and Public Servants of the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia , year 1917.

Aleksandar Gradiška

Source: 'List of Dignitaries, Officials and Public Servants of the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia , year 1917.

Aleksandar Egersdorfer

Source: 'List of Dignitaries, Officials and Public Servants of the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia , year 1917.

Aleksandar Egersdorfer

Source: 'List of Dignitaries, Officials and Public Servants of the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia , year 1917.

Aleksandar Živanović

Source: 'List of Dignitaries, Officials and Public Servants of the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia , year 1917.

Aleksandar Horvat

Source: 'List of Dignitaries, Officials and Public Servants of the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia , year 1917.