100+ mentions are found for request

different sources from the year —1902 (15) 1906 (7) 1917 (33) 1923—1927 (10) 1928—1929 (7) 1930—1933 (9) 1935—1937 (8) 1938 (34) 1942 (39) 2007 (242)

Robert Auer

Source: 'List of Dignitaries, Officials and Public Servants of the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia , year 1917.

Robert Leibenfrost

Source: 'List of Dignitaries, Officials and Public Servants of the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia , year 1917.

Robert Alexander

Source: 'List of Dignitaries, Officials and Public Servants of the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia , year 1917.

Robert Frangeš

Source: 'List of Dignitaries, Officials and Public Servants of the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia , year 1917.

Robert King

Source: 'List of Dignitaries, Officials and Public Servants of the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia , year 1917.

Robert Bauer

Source: 'List of Dignitaries, Officials and Public Servants of the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia , year 1917.

Robert Siebenschein

Source: 'List of Dignitaries, Officials and Public Servants of the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia , year 1917.

Robert Pscherhof

Source: 'List of Dignitaries, Officials and Public Servants of the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia , year 1917.

Robert Siebenschein

Source: 'List of Dignitaries, Officials and Public Servants of the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia , year 1917.

Robert Bezetzky

Source: 'List of Dignitaries, Officials and Public Servants of the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia , year 1917.