100+ mentions are found for request

different sources from the year —1902 (1) 1917 (10) 1928—1935 (4) 1938 (9) 1942 (18) 2007 (140)


Source: 'Phone Book - Zagreb 1938 , year 1938.

Branimir Gršković

Source: 'Phone Book - Zagreb 1938 , year 1938.

Branimir Domac

Source: 'Phone Book - Zagreb 1938 , year 1938.

Branimir Deželić

Source: 'Phone Book - Zagreb 1938 , year 1938.

Branimir Altgayer

Source: 'Phone Directory of the Independent State of Croatia 1942 , year 1942.

Branimir Bratanić

Source: 'Phone Directory of the Independent State of Croatia 1942 , year 1942.

Branimir Livadić

Source: 'Phone Directory of the Independent State of Croatia 1942 , year 1942.

Branimir Iveković

Source: 'Phone Directory of the Independent State of Croatia 1942 , year 1942.

Branimir Prokurista Belaj

Source: 'Phone Directory of the Independent State of Croatia 1942 , year 1942.

Branimir Gusić

Source: 'Phone Directory of the Independent State of Croatia 1942 , year 1942.