100+ mentions are found for request

different sources from the year —1902 (10) 1906 (37) 1917 (15) 1923—1928 (7) 1929—1936 (10) 1937—1938 (3) 1942 (16) 2007 (64)

Pavo Lučić

Source: 'Phone Directory of the Independent State of Croatia 1942 , year 1942.

Branko Lukić

Source: 'Phone Directory of the Independent State of Croatia 1942 , year 1942.

Pava34 Lučić

Source: 'Phone Directory of the Independent State of Croatia 1942 , year 1942.

Anto32 Lukić

Source: 'Phone Directory of the Independent State of Croatia 1942 , year 1942.

Mijo Lukić

Source: 'Phone Directory of the Independent State of Croatia 1942 , year 1942.

Josip Lučić

Source: 'Phone Directory of the Independent State of Croatia 1942 , year 1942.

Franjo Lučić

Source: 'Phone Directory of the Independent State of Croatia 1942 , year 1942.

Stjepa Lucic Bosanović

Source: 'Phone Directory of the Independent State of Croatia 1942 , year 1942.

Andrija Lučić Roki

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Marko Lukić

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.