Luka Raguz was born in Pjesivac-Greda, BH in 1859. He moved to the US and then to Peru, where he lived in Lima, Pozuzo and Concepcion, Huancayo. In the latter place he was the major of the city, as well as a renowned business man. He married Maria Veran, of French ancestry, and had many children. One of them, Jose Lucas Raguz Veran is a recognized Peruvian Air Force pilot, which died in the line of duty. There are numerous descendants of Luke Raguz in Peru and all over the world, all of them are proud of their Croatian inheritance and many have claimed back the nationality. Luka died suddenly on March 1915, aged 56.
Luka Raguž je rođen u Pješivac-Greda u BiH 1859. godine. Odselio je u SAD, a zatim u Peru, gdje je živio u Lima, Pozuzo i Concepcion, Huancayo. U potonjem mjestu bio je gradonačelnik grada, kao i ugledni poslovni čovjek. Oženio je Mariju Veran, francuskog podrijetla, i imao mnogo djece. Jedan od njih, Jose Lucas Raguz Veran, priznati je pilot peruanskih zračnih snaga, koji je poginuo na dužnosti. Brojni su potomci Luke Raguza u Peruu i diljem svijeta, svi su ponosni na svoje hrvatsko nasljeđe, a mnogi su zatražili povratak svoje nacionalnosti. Luka je iznenada umro u ožujku 1915. u 56. godini života.