(Automatic translation from Croatian)
KRUPA, Mladen born 15.06.1949. Karlovac.
Son of Alfred Krupa (Alfred Joseph Kruppa) professor and academic painter from Mikolow (Poland) and Štefice Krupa born Ozbolt from Gerovo. From the family decorated anti-fascists and fascist front woman (grandmother Mary Ozbolt r.Volf).
He graduated from a building at the University of Zagreb in 1976.
Father of 4 children: academics Alfred (Freddy) Krupa, born in 1971, Margaret Krupa born. In 1978, Magdalena Krupa born. 1980 and Mladen Krupa younger b. In 1983.
He completed the JNA school for reserve officers - Engineers in Karlovac.
War volunteer. Major rank.
1991 and the first half of 1992, the highest engineering officer (rank, responsibilities and formational) of the National Guard and later Army on Karlovačko-Kordunski area ie. All the way to Karlobag after creating 4.OZ-e Croatian Army.
Until the establishment of the Croatian Army National Guard Command subordinate only RH.
Operated by the National Guard Corps (IPN) in early summer 1991.
The first is the chief of the engineers 110.brigade IPN ie, HV, and the first director of the engineers 4th OZ-e HV Karlovac-Karlobag.
Due to the complete absence of any kind of activity of the Municipal Crisis Staff Karlovac on plans interdiction,
in early September 1991 on its own initiative and independently prepares and proposes plans engineer obstacles (a formation to command the 110th Brigade National Guard) in the entire territory of its area of responsibility (karlovačko- Kordun region), provides recruitment and formation / organization units for realization of the same (subordinate to him and the late Zlatko Rubcic zap. eng . 1.bojnoj water), and oversees and ensures the development of the "pyramid", "urchins," and other means of preventing the companies' Jugoturbina "," Croatian roads "," Croatian forests "," Water and sewerage "and others.
A detailed article on the organizational activities Mladen Krupa can be read in the series "defensive preparations in 1991 in the area of Karlovac-Kordun region" by brig./mir. Dubravka Halovanić ref.ONP, por./prič. published in number 22 Karlovac weekly from 2015. Among other things, the document is written:
"How Op. WHAT Klc. Getting in is not the Plan and did not establish that no troops to take part in its implementation, chief of engineering, in commanded. 110.br . IPN, g. Mladen Kruppa, 10 September 1991 presented the plan is coming between op. VH Klc. with the discussion, the Plan was adopted by the remark Chief of Police Klc. (Štajduhar-my remark) who informed members Op.KŠ Klc. that there is no staff to schedule the assignment to the newly established checkpoints ".
In addition, on its own initiative, without permission (!) Municipal Crisis Committee Karlovac, destroys and secret (at night) set a helipad on the left side of the river Krupa, on the eve of the attack on the City 4.10.1991.godine.
Made-arranged infantry bunker today known as the "Krupp-M91", one of the very rare examples of domestic military defense techniques used at the beginning of the aggression on Croatia Karlovac across the battlefield. Under the protection of the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Tourism.
Given that we have to consider what was then the small number of very poorly equipped Croatian armed forces on the long front line in the "belly" Croatian, ie. Its narrowest point, it is quite clear that this is samonicijativno and independently perfectly designed (as it turned out) and imperious organizational activity Major Mladen Krupa played perhaps one of the key roles in an attempt to cut of Croatian in two that followed.
The fact is that the last quarter of a century his contribution to the founding of the Republic of Croatia remained neglected and unknown to all but the memories of his comrades tadašnijh.
Has never received any medals, but for promotion to the rank of brigadier in early 1992 somehow "missed".