Memories: Macola

Stanko Macola, born Otok Pasman November 6th, 1924, arrived in Australia in 1959 after 17 years as a merchant marine, sailing the world and importing exporting goods to and from Croatia.

He was brought to Ballarat, by his fellow Otok Pasman friends .. Travica, Cimera, Skontra.  

His wife Darinka (née Simcic) and daughter Mirjana joined him in 1961.  They settled in Ballarat, Victoria.  Stank and Darinka had another daughter, Yasna Macola, born 1968.  

Stanko passed away December 25th, 2003.  

Mirjana married Tibor Grandja.  They have 2 children, Daniel (1982) and Laura (1985).

Yasna married Stuart Brien. They have 2 children, Joshua (2001) and Aiden (2004). 

Laura Grandja married John Valentan.  They have 2 children, Edward (2013) and Oliver (2016).

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