1454., Visoče kod Lovrana Valentin, sin Ivana Kikabonića iz sela Visoče kupuje vinograd od Mavra Mikšića za 20 libara. I na to biše dobri muži: naipriĵa g(ospo)d(i)n’ plovan Mav(a)rь, .b. ... more
dario 5 years, 9 months ago
Moja baka rođeno se prezivala benko. more
martina1colig 1 month, 4 weeks ago
Preserve a memory of a dear person or a family story
Records of memories on Acta Croatica are based on accurate historical sources. Find your ancestor or a person you know and preserve a memory of them. If the document mentioning you ancestor has not been entered yet,find the corresponding surname and record the memory alongside that surname.