Surname Sikavica in modern Croatia
Sikavica families are Croats and they are mostly from Sinj area. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Drnis and Split.
About 250 people with faimily name Sikavica live in Croatia today, in 100 households. There were 140 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number increased by 80 percent.
They are located in the most of Croatian counties, in 18 cities and 25 other places, mostly in Split (50), Zagreb (35), Stitar (25), Solin (20), and in Baska Voda in Makarska area (20).
Outside Croatia
Family name Sikavica is present in 7 countries on three continents.
Characteristic first names
Pere Sikavica,
Ivo Sikavica,
Krešimir Sikavica,
Tomislav Sikavica,
Katarina Sikavica,
Iva Sikavica,
Ivica Sikavica,
Roko Sikavica,
Darko Sikavica,
Zoran Sikavica,
Davorka Sikavica,
Brankica Sikavica,
Anita Sikavica,
Mile Sikavica,
Ćiro Sikavica,
Željko Sikavica,
Pero Sikavica,
Marijan Sikavica,
Nikolina Sikavica