Surname Kruljac in modern Croatia
Kruljac families are Croats and they are mostly from Delnice area. According to some sources they are from Kranj area (Slovenia). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Zagreb and Slavonski Brod. In Kaluđerovac in Gospic area every third inhabitant had the family name Kruljac.
About 780 people with faimily name Kruljac live in Croatia today, in 370 households. There were 790 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number remains constant.
They are located in almost all Croatian counties, in 41 cities and 70 other places, mostly in Zagreb (160), Slavonski Brod (125), Rijeka (60), Ravna Gora in Delnice area (25), and in Nasice (20).
Outside Croatia
At least 18 families with this surname emigrated from Croatia to: Germany (9), Canada (3), the United States (3), Switzerland (2), and to the United Kingdom (1).
Family name Kruljac is present in 11 countries on four continents. The family name "Kruljac " is used by some 200 people in the United States , small number in Australia , and small number of people in Germany. "Krulyac " is used by few people in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Zlatko Kruljac,
Igor Kruljac,
Hubert Kruljac,
Želimir Kruljac,
Žarko Kruljac,
Goranka Kruljac,
Milan Kruljac,
Kristina Kruljac,
Ankica Kruljac,
Ivanka Kruljac,
Zdravko Kruljac,
Franjo Kruljac,
Josip Kruljac,
Marijana Kruljac,
Branimir Kruljac,
Nikola Kruljac,
Krešimir Kruljac,
Neven Kruljac,
Željko Kruljac