35 mentions are found for request

different sources from the year —1926 (9) 1929—1942 (6) 2007 (20)

Mathe Colich

Source: 'Catholic Church Parish Records , year 1606.

Lucca Colich

Source: 'Catholic Church Parish Records , year 1705.

Anto Colich

Source: 'Catholic Church Parish Records , year 1716.

Mato Čolić

Source: 'Yearbook and Directory of Literary Society of St. Jerome 1906 , year 1906.

Ivan Čolić

Source: 'Yearbook and Directory of Literary Society of St. Jerome 1906 , year 1906.

Ant Čolić

Source: 'Yearbook and Directory of Literary Society of St. Jerome 1906 , year 1906.

Ivo Čolić

Source: 'Yearbook and Directory of Literary Society of St. Jerome 1906 , year 1906.

Gjuro Colić

Source: 'Emigration Commission Zagreb , year 1926.

John Kolich

Source: 'Emigration Commission Zagreb , year 1926.

Imre Holić

Source: 'Emigration Commission Zagreb , year 1929.