100+ mentions are found for request

different sources from the year —2007 (146)

Jasna Bilušić

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Jasna Borić

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Jasna Bradač-Matić

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Jasna Branković

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Jasna Bratanić-Pavlek

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Jasna Bobetić

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Jasna Bobić

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Jasna Boroš

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Jasna Burnać-Štefok

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.

Jasna Cigrovski

Source: 'Encyclopaedia of Croatian Surnames , year 2007.